Everything about partnering with the Pope Touchdown Club is designed to put your company center stage in front of our community and growing network of fans year-round. These sponsorship packages provide opportunity and resources for all our student athletes. Our fans will know your name and the commitment you’ve made to the Pope Football program! Go Hounds!

The www.popefootball.com website gets over 150,000 visitors annually

More than 14,000 fans enter the Pope Football stadium annually throughout the Varsity, JV, Freshman, Youth and Junior seasons.
For our Sponsors
It is important to have high resolution photos and clean artwork for best production
We accept the following formats for photos and artwork: vector, .ai, .pdf, .eps, MSWord or MS Publisher.
Email artwork to: Joshua.Mathews@cobbk12.org & dougnorwood10@gmail.com.
Submissions must be received by July 22, 2022 for inclusion in the 2022 Game Day Program
Checks should be made payable to Pope Touchdown Club
Venmo payments are accepted @PopeTouchdownClub. Please note the business name in the payment description.
Checks and sponsorship forms should be mailed to: Pope Touchdown Club
3162 Johnson Ferry Road, Ste. 260, Box #303 Marietta, GA 30062